Even though you might associate threats to computer files from outsiders and shady people with intense computer skills, traditionally, the biggest threat to corporate data and systems comes from insiders, as they have the privileged access to data and systems. They therefore have the potential ability to do more accidental or malicious damage than an outside attacker.
Whenever you install a network intrusion detection system, you will be notified if there is any suspicious activity, including attempts to hack into your network. Intrusion detection system software is available through a number of electronics stores and computer security specialists, and experts agree that it is a must have for businesses that handle sensitive data on a regular basis.
Even though businesses are taking more pains to secure customer data on networks, over half the businesses don’t fully understand the implications of a security breach. And even though the organizational cost of a breach and the cost per stolen or lost record has declined, the integrity of a business is the most important thing to consider. People don’t want to do business with a company that has lax security procedures, as they can often feel their credit card information and other sensitive data is in peril of falling into the wrong hands.
It should be noted that the federal government has experienced a nearly 680 percent increase in cyber security breaches over the past six years. The federal government, has among the best intrusion prevention system in place, in which they can do real time network monitoring to wean out any and all potential threats to the sensitive data on the network.
The best kind of network intrusion detection system available is somewhat of a subjective matter. You should talk to cyber security professionals before you enact any type of security system for your computer network. At the same time, however, going without a security system, even for a day, can be a major red flag for businesses who handle sensitive information.
If you want a real life example of a cyber security threat, in July 2008 a disgruntled San Francisco city administrator locked access to a critical network by resetting administrative passwords to its switches and routers, then refusing to divulge the new information to officials. Having a solid network firewall would prevent this type of thing from happening without some sort of administrative approval.
I think a lot of people don’t realize that your computer information is always in danger unless you have a really secure network with a lot of network security. Otherwise people can steal your stuff very easily.
I think a lot of people don’t realize that your computer information is always in danger unless you have a really secure network with a lot of network security. Otherwise people can steal your stuff very easily.
I think a lot of people don’t realize that your computer information is always in danger unless you have a really secure network with a lot of network security. Otherwise people can steal your stuff very easily.
I think a lot of people don’t realize that your computer information is always in danger unless you have a really secure network with a lot of network security. Otherwise people can steal your stuff very easily.
I think a lot of people don’t realize that your computer information is always in danger unless you have a really secure network with a lot of network security. Otherwise people can steal your stuff very easily.