The video showed that withstanding wear and tear is essential to preserving resources and minimizing waste in washing machines. As a case study for developing a durability test, the washing-machine product group serves as a possible trigger for a more systematic approach to addressing product durability.
As a primary goal of our study, we devised a method for evaluating commercial clothes dryer long-term performance. Following a review of existing standards and processes for testing goods and components, pertinent references were analyzed for examples of common failures.
A reproducible and rapid endurance test was designed as the last step in the process.
A durability test was conducted to determine how long a product will last under regular use. Two washing machines were subjected to a series of spinning cycles with fixed unbalanced loads to investigate failures and performance changes for this test. It was finalized that not all washing machines can withstand such a test without abrasion or performance degradation, even if no brutal breakdowns occurred.
But the effort to replicate the stress placed upon commercial clothes dryers by doing a large number of pure spinning cycles with constant loads did not allow for similar testing conditions. The control procedure’s actions regarding unbalanced loads vary per machine. Product policymakers may benefit from the findings of this study, which might lead to the implementation of standardized durability assessments.