At a time when there are approximately 2.2 billion web users around the world, every business could benefit from a solid content marketing playbook. This is because a content marketing playbook will allow companies to enhance the effectiveness of each facet of their inbound marketing plans.
Inbound marketing is online advertising that employs various internet tools to disseminate positive content about a company throughout the web. Some examples of these tools are blogs, videos, podcasts, email, and various other search engine optimization tools. The overarching objective is to increase a company’s online presence by stimulating the public’s interest in its products and services.
As a growing number of businesses are prioritizing inbound marketing, Marketingeasy estimates that the typical large or mid-sized company possesses nearly 180 assets related to social media marketing. Marketing experts also estimate that blogging can generate around 97% more inbound links. Furthermore, Mindjumpers reports that over a third of all businesses have obtained sales lead via Twitter, and approximately one-fifth have closed sales via the microblogging giant. Subsequently, more than 60% of marketers consider social media to be a vital part of successful online marketing.
The continued evolution of online marketing has cultivated a landscape that is becoming increasingly complex. A content marketing playbook can be a valuable tool that allows businesses a more efficient way to plan and organize their inbound marketing tools and strategies. Thus, an inbound marketing playbook would include detailed information on each aspect of a company’s inbound marketing strategy.
Since online marketing is constantly changing, this year’s inbound marketing playbook should look different from last year’s. For example, last year’s playbook might have consisted of blogs, social media, email marketing, articles, newsletters, and search engine optimization. Recent trends may necessitate additions to this year’s playbook that include online surveys, infographics, and mulitimedia platforms.
Now that inbound marketing has become one of the main focuses of the most successful companies, there is a growing need for a more efficient method of organizing, managing, and implementing their expanding list of marketing tools. A smartly laid out inbound marketing playbook might be the best way to help companies in their ongoing efforts to achieve their goals.