Do you know the difference between web applications and websites? What about website design and interface design? There are a variety of options that you can choose for your website to make it the absolute best that it can be, but if you are not familiar with the nuances of web design, it could all be one confusing mess to you. Below you will find two useful aspects that can help you to fine tune the experience that your website has to offer.
1. Web Portals
Web portal development was designed to act as a single site that collects a series of other sites, acting as a jumping off point. If you subscribe to a MyYahoo page or an iGoogle page, you are utilizing a web portal. Using those for example, you can get a widget that has your email, news updates, weather, stocks, the latest funny YouTube video, and a wide variety of other links and applications. An example of a professional web portal is the United States government website, USA.gov. These can be used for such helpful things as managing of workflow, publication of policy managed content, and allow for a collaboration between work groups.
2. Web Applications
Web application development and web application designs were created in order to diversify the abilities of an actual website. A web application is dependent upon a web browser as a client to host itself. The web application development boom has made it possible to do virtually anything in a browser without the need for installing actual software onto a computer.
This type of application can be specific to a company or organization and is accessed by multiple users over a network such as a business intranet, or simply the internet itself. For closed web application systems, also known as a line of business application, they are not accessible outside of the particular company that uses it. Such business applications can be for things like invoicing for freelance workers, management of systems and content, and even banking and financial work.
Think about your company. Think about the website. What do you have? What do you need? What do you want to offer? If you cannot produce the desired content yourself, seek out a web design team to knock it out of the park for you. You will never feel like you are missing potential or inadequate with your website ever again.
i have heard the terms knocked about before, but it is interesting to see them actually defined, i have a feeling that there are so many of these web things that have specific names that we just take for granted
i have heard the terms knocked about before, but it is interesting to see them actually defined, i have a feeling that there are so many of these web things that have specific names that we just take for granted
i have heard the terms knocked about before, but it is interesting to see them actually defined, i have a feeling that there are so many of these web things that have specific names that we just take for granted
i have heard the terms knocked about before, but it is interesting to see them actually defined, i have a feeling that there are so many of these web things that have specific names that we just take for granted