There are more than 1.5 million active members of the United States military around the world, but they may not realize how valuable they are to employers once they choose to return to civilian life. Military transition recruiters consistently report that veterans display higher-than-average discipline, teamwork, and leadership. Many members of the military enjoy civilian careers that are just as satisfying as their service positions in the military, and supply chain executive recruiters are looking to veterans to advance American industry.
Software developers are working to revolutionize American industry. As large-scale enterprise platforms are tested and deployed, so robotic workers will become more numerous across the country. Veterans who have experience with robotics, automation, and supply chain jobs should seek out recruiters who can help them lend their experience to our economy. Solutions architects are working with new, non-invasive testing technology to help speed up product development and prototyping times, and supply chain executive recruiters are always looking for people with extensive technological experience.
Military transition recruiters want people who have been successful in their military service: they want vets who are willing to return to school to fill any gaps between their experience and what is needed in the American marketplace. Vets can often access a wide array of free programs online, and may find that they are better suited for sales and marketing positions than they realize. Military service takes a certain kind of individual, and science recruitment agencies also want veterans because they are patient and work well on a team. Military transition recruiters take the time to match veterans with workplaces where they will thrive: part of the recruiting process takes worker’s temperaments into account.
Companies across America are celebrating advances in technology as they lament the lack of worker loyalty: military veterans stand to thrive in a competitive economy because they have already demonstrated a rigorous work ethic and deep loyalty. Younger workers, often referred to as “Millennials,” are more willing to switch companies in the search for better benefits or more time off. Veterans who work with military transition recruiters can easily step into vacancies left by younger workers and work with the companies to improve their sales and customer satisfaction. People who have been trained for officer positions in the military are highly desirable to recruiters: companies are always looking for people they can depend on.
American companies rely heavily on their workers to demonstrate leadership and to develop new technology. What they may not have realized is the extent to which a positive working environment can attract — and retain — great candidates with leadership potential. Companies should always look for new employees with a track record of teamwork and leadership, but should also be prepared to offer motivated, qualified employees the chance to gain leadership skills. Too often, employees who are ready to step into managerial positions are overlooked, an unfortunate oversight that contributes directly to “employee flight.” If an employee has worked for a company for several years and sees that people are being hired from outside the company for management positions, they will be more likely to leave the company, reports indicate.
Military veterans are highly desirable as employees because they have been trained in leadership and can inspire the other employees to do their best: leadership is one of the qualities that every employee should be trained in. The new model of American industry is to train every employee to a supervisory level in their own department: the more your employees know, the better. Each employee should be trained to demonstrate leadership in their own department and to interact with other employees as equals. The old model of a single supervisor managing large numbers of subordinates is rapidly being phased out in businesses across America in favor of a more equitable, sustainable management system. Military transition recruiters are more than happy to place incoming veterans into lucrative decision-making roles in every American industry.